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Drop spindle

(400 products available)

About drop spindle

Exploring the Versatility of Drop Spindles

The drop spindle is a timeless tool that has been pivotal in the creation of yarn for thousands of years. This simple yet effective device is essential for drop spindle spinning, a method cherished for its portability and the unique textures it can produce. The spindle's design allows for the transformation of fibers such as drop spindle wool spinning into yarn, a process that remains popular among crafters and artisans today.

The Anatomy of a Drop Spindle

A typical drop spindle consists of a shaft, a whorl to maintain momentum, and a hook to guide the yarn. The materials used in crafting these spindles vary, with options like wood for a traditional wool spindle or modern composites for durability. The supported drop spindle is a variant that rests on a surface while spinning, ideal for finer threads. Each type caters to different spinning techniques and preferences, from the Navajo drop spindle designed for thicker yarns to the delicate Turkish drop spindles known for creating intricate skeins.

Applications and Features

The use of a drop spindle is not limited to traditional yarn creation. Contemporary crafters employ spindles for a variety of fibers, including synthetic blends, to produce drop spindle yarn with diverse characteristics. The spindle for spinning wheel serves as a precursor to mechanized spinning, yet many prefer the spindle's hands-on approach for its meditative quality and control over the yarn's texture. The suspended spindle, a type of drop spindle, is favored for its ease of use and the ability to control the twist and tension of the yarn manually.

Advantages of Drop Spindle Spinning

Spinning with a drop spindle offers several advantages. It is an affordable entry point for drop spindle spinning for beginners, requiring minimal investment compared to a spinning wheel. The spindle's compact size makes it highly portable, allowing spinners to practice their craft anywhere. Additionally, the DIY drop spindle provides an opportunity for customization, enabling spinners to create a tool that fits their specific spinning style and ergonomic needs.

Choosing the Right Drop Spindle

Selecting the appropriate drop spindle is crucial for any spinner. Factors such as the spindle's weight, the size of the whorl, and the length of the shaft all play a role in the type of yarn produced. A Bosworth drop spindle is renowned for its craftsmanship and balance, making it a popular choice among seasoned spinners. For those interested in historical techniques, the spindle of a spinning wheel offers insight into the evolution of spinning technology. The choice of spindle significantly affects the spinning experience and the final product.


The drop spindle remains a beloved tool in the yarn-making community for its simplicity, versatility, and the personal touch it brings to spinning. Whether you are a novice looking to explore drop spindle spinning for beginners or an expert seeking a high-quality wool spindle, the range of spindles available ensures that there is a perfect match for every spinner's needs. As a gateway to the rich history and practice of yarn making, the drop spindle continues to spin its magic in the hands of crafters around the world.